Am I at school with no lunch?
Do you hear my mom and dad fighting?
You might think it’s none of your business. Or you don’t know what to say.
But I need you…
- To see if my mom and dad are ok
- To offer to babysit or help around the house
- To call the Children’s Aid Society when you think something may be wrong
Because you helped them you helped me
- Are you afraid to talk to my mom or dad when you see or hear them hurting me, sending me to school dirty and without lunch, see me living in a house with drugs or where I’m not safe? Maybe you don’t know what to say. Or you think it’s none of your business. You help me when you…
- Check in with my parents to ask if they are ok
- Listen to my mom and dad talk about how hard things are right now
- Offer to babysit or help around the house
- Tell my parents about programs or organizations that can help
- Don’t judge
- Trust your instincts and call Children’s Aid Society when you know something is wrong
Because you help my caregiver, you help me when I need it most. www.capclm.org